Author Archives: Liza

Graduation 2021

This time of year is always bittersweet for us, we are sad we are losing our cohort of children to ‘big school’. However we are also so proud of the children as they leave us ready for their  next adventure. This year is no exception, we wish all the children well on this next part [&he

Oral Health

The EYFS Reforms have a focus on teaching children about healthy eating habits and dental hygiene. At Sefton Debbie the Parent Champion has developed these display to share with Parents. This month we will be doing activities around Dental hygiene and supporting the children to make healthy food cho

International Mud Day

  On June 29th 2021 the children at Longbarn Celebrated International Mud day this is why! Apart from the fact playing in mud is just so much fun we also wanted: To Be One with Earth One good reason to celebrate this day is that this is the perfect opportunity for us to be one […]


We will be taking part on FRIDAY 14th MAY in the BookTrusts pyjama day. Staff and children will be coming into nursery in pyjamas. There will be hot chocolate and a bedtime story. Our Story of the day will be Dear Zoo, by Rod Campbell. You can read along with Vicky who will be posting […]

Marvellous Mud

We continue to develop our enviroment for the children. This enables meaningful interactions and significant learning oppertunities. The rich, engaging sensory play children partake in while playing with mud allows them to express their creativity while enhancing their fine motor skills. Our mud kit