Author Archives: Liza

Community Spirit

We would like to say a big thankyou to all our staff, parents/carers and the community for all the fabulous egg donations! We have had around 100 eggs donated to the food bank, these eggs will make such a difference and we couldn’t of done it without the help from everyone so thankyou again

Thank You

We are absolutely blown away by everyone’s kindness and generosity! A huge thankyou to one of our wonderful parents. Beth Johnson and her cousin for raising an amazing £200 to be donated to the community food bank. This will truly help so many families in need. Thankyou

Spring Daffodils

We placed a basket of small gifts for the local people in the local shop to remember and reflect on the past year we have all been a part off. In light of the last year we remember today There’s just a few things we would like to say Although the days of this feel […]

RHS Level 3

The children and practitioners at Woolston, have been working hard on achieving the Royal Horticultural Society Campaign for School Gardening, (Level 3). Vicky and the team have submitted a 200 word essay with supporting evidence to show how the children have met the following criteria: Mini project