At Woolston we have been enjoying baking gingerbread people. We all helped to get the ingredients before weighing them out together, this meant we had to use our maths skills and do lots of numbers and counting. We used our physical and fine motor skills to pour and select the ingredients and we had
Longbarn’s Diwali celebrations we made Diva Lamps from clay and painted our finished pots , placed a candle in them and took them home, we also created firework Diwali pictures using straws and paint and made large Rangoli patterns with chalks and used our fingertips as paintbrushes and coloured i
We haven’t let the cold weather and wind bother us at Woolston. We ventured on a trip to the local park during the October Holidays. All the nursery attended the park, we walked sensibly together talking about road safety, the views we could see and collected some Autumn items for our Autumn j
At Sefton the children have been helping to care for our vegetables. They have been looking at the various vegetables we have planted and what they need to help them grow ready for us to use to make some yummy food for our lunches and snacks. This helps to promote the children’s Physical ski
We took the children on a learning walk in to the community. The children and practitioners identified road signs and we discussed road safety and the children behaved impeccably.
The children have been on a bug hunt, they have explored the world around them and enjoyed learning about different types of creepy crawlies. this has extended their Knowledge of the World.