We have Covid- 19 risked assessed each setting, implemented operational procedures to meet the Government’s guidance. However the children’s care learning and development is still our priority. All of our updated policies and procedures are available to view if you contact the Nursery Ma
It’s the time of year where we say goodbye to our wonderful children as they embark on their new adventure to ‘big school’! We will miss each and every one of you and wish you all the luck for your futures. We will be holding some party days to celebrate your graduations. We will have [&he
The children at Longbarn have enjoyed Forest School sessions this month. Making dream catchers to take home, using twigs and wool.
Woolston held a stay and play session with families and children on Monday 9th March. The children and their families used coloured cornflour in Tuff trays using it to make patterns and mix colours. Jelly cube play for building and creating shape and patterns. Marble painting using different mediu
At Woolston we understand the importance of sharing books and stories with children. That id why we celebrate World Book Day every year Children’s vocabulary skills are linked to their economic backgrounds. By 3 years of age, there is a 30 million word gap between children from the wealthiest an
For the past 18 months Zoe and Liza have been attending work shops at Everton Children’s Centre. These workshops have strengthened their knowledge and skills in supporting children’s language development. The URLEY project was funded by the Department for Education and is researched base
After exploring the Forest area at Woolston today the children found a variety of sticks and twigs. They then used these to make wands and dream catchers. A magical time was had by all!
The children at Woolston are following the Curiosity Approach, giving them the time and resources to create and engineer amazing roadways and play spaces. The Practitioners support the children by providing a wide range of resources that can be manipaulated by themselves. Practitioners scaffold play
The children and staff had a marvellous day celebrating World Book Day. We shared Stories and used lots of different activities to support the children’s understanding of books, stories and vocabulary. As you can see the staff team where replaced by Minions for the day and the children loved t