The pre-school children have enjoyed lots of performances on our new outdoor stage. The stage has been created from a scrapped pallet and garden arch by our very dedicated Manager. The children are really enjoying putting on performances for their friends, this supports the children’s imaginat
Geoff from the Longbarn Residents Association and Natalie from Anwyl Construction; visited Wind in the Willows Longbarn, with the 50 Selection Boxes they have donated to the nursery.
The Children at Sefton enjoyed a traditional Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings. Then a visit from the Man in Red himself; Father Christmas, enjoyed giving gifts to all of the children.
The Children have loved decorating the tree at Woolston!
Congratulations to Sue and the Team at Wind in the Willows Sefton. After our Environmental Health Inspection we have maintained our 5* Food Hygiene Rating.
Longbarn raised £31.30 for children In Need this November.
We had some lovely visitors this week when the Longbarn Residents Association came to see the children. We showed them our Forrest Garden, and the outstanding outdoor space. The Residents enjoyed some coffee and cake as well as some time playing in the nursery.
To support Children in Need and engage with the families at Wind in the Willows Woolston. The Team at Woolston held a Pudsey themed stay and play, inviting parents, grandparents and carers to join us for some Pudsey fun. This included the Children in Need Duck Race, Salt dough Pudsey’s and sto
The Children at Sefton, have developed a close relationship with the ‘Feel Good Factory Community Allotment’ group. The Children are enjoying learning about the outdoors and growing food with the help of Pauline and Sue. We hope to use the vegetables we have been growing to participate i
Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who attended the Forest School Stay and Play. The children really enjoyed showing you how we use our new skills. We made flags to scare the birds away from our seeds. Using the flowers and mallets allowed the children to transfer the colours to design