At Longbarn our Nature Garden has recently had a little make over and the children have been exploring this. We have added a new feeding station for the birds, re planting of flowers and various plants and the dens have been recreated. The children have enjoyed exploring the Nature Garden this month
At Woolston this month we have been using a wide range of resources and activities using natural items to link to Earth Week. We have made natural paintbrushes using flowers, leaves and twigs and fastened them together to create a brush. Using these the children have painted their pictures creating
The children explored with a range of textures and shapes when playing with different cooked and uncooked pasta, threading penne pasta onto spaghetti and twirling pipe cleaners around the pasta twirls, we used lots of different words to talk about shapes, patterns and the texture of our creations. T
This month we went out in the local area of Woolston, we wrapped up warm and used our road knowledge to walk sensibly to the park crossing the roads safely with the practitioners and our friends. The children knew which direction to walk in and the route we take to get to the park, once […]
The children at Sefton made their own pizzas for tea. We had a range of ingredients from pizza bases, base sauce, pepperoni, ham, cheese and they used the safe chef knives and the tongues to chop and select their own toppings. We talked about colour, taste and patterns helping develop our creative a
At Woolston on a Thursday afternoon we take it in turns for each age group to help prepare and cook our tea for all the children at the setting. Each age group picks their meal they wish to cook from homemade burgers to homemade chicken risotto, homemade soups and calzone. The children look at the [
At Sefton we have started to locally source our fruit and vegetables to use within the children’s meals and snacks. This produce is purchased from S Robinson and am sure you can agree it looks delicious and of such a high quality and standard. The children are really enjoying these tasty goods
At Longbarn our children went out into our nature garden to help fill up all our bird feeders and put out fresh water for the birds. The children showed a keen interest in the birds and were happy to help feed them, they showed they could listen and follow instructions and also developed their knowl
We are lucky enough at Woolston to be able to venture into our local area to visit some of Woolston’s close amenities. On this occasion we paid a visit to our local library, we visit the library as often as possible and have an account there which allows us to take out books and bring [&hellip
At Longbarn we had a Christmas stay and play. Thank you to the parents who came along to our Christmas stay and play we are really pleased that you were able to share this experience with us. We had lots of different activities for everyone to explore including making our own reindeer food, playing