Longbarn children have been busy making up their own games in the garden and making use of our large mud kitchen area where we have found lots of vegetables growing. We love exploring the garden and learn lots about our outdoor environment. #outdoorplay

Longbarn Planter

The Longbarn Residents Association have kindly donated us a planter on the Longbarn estate as they strive for Britain in bloom once again next year. We have been given the responsibility to look after the planter outside nursery next to the shop. Today our pre-school children went out to plant bulbs

Autumn at Longbarn

The children at Longbarn have been exploring the Autumn leaves in the garden helping to clear the garden brushing all the leaves into one area before having lots of fun playing in them, listening to the sounds they make when we stand, jump and walk through them. We also had lots of fun throwing them