Our Director Ginny has been coming into Woolston to complete Forest School with our 2-5’s children. The children love completing Forest School and are always so excited for the next one. Forest School gives the children the opportunity for outdoor learning in a wide range of weathers. We reque
Woolston children have loved Jelly play today with the dinosaurs, looking at various textures developing their creative and exploratory skills. Each of the children have been focusing on using descriptive language to explain the textures through use of various senses for example touch, smell and sig
The children in 2-5’s at Woolston have been participating in Children’s Yoga activities. They have been learning various positions and breathing techniques ranging from various abilities to strengthen their core muscles, balance and co-ordination. Linking to this teaches the children abo
At Woolston this month we have been using a wide range of resources and activities using natural items to link to Earth Week. We have made natural paintbrushes using flowers, leaves and twigs and fastened them together to create a brush. Using these the children have painted their pictures creating
This month we went out in the local area of Woolston, we wrapped up warm and used our road knowledge to walk sensibly to the park crossing the roads safely with the practitioners and our friends. The children knew which direction to walk in and the route we take to get to the park, once […]
At Woolston on a Thursday afternoon we take it in turns for each age group to help prepare and cook our tea for all the children at the setting. Each age group picks their meal they wish to cook from homemade burgers to homemade chicken risotto, homemade soups and calzone. The children look at the [
We are lucky enough at Woolston to be able to venture into our local area to visit some of Woolston’s close amenities. On this occasion we paid a visit to our local library, we visit the library as often as possible and have an account there which allows us to take out books and bring [&hellip
At Woolston we have been enjoying baking gingerbread people. We all helped to get the ingredients before weighing them out together, this meant we had to use our maths skills and do lots of numbers and counting. We used our physical and fine motor skills to pour and select the ingredients and we had
We haven’t let the cold weather and wind bother us at Woolston. We ventured on a trip to the local park during the October Holidays. All the nursery attended the park, we walked sensibly together talking about road safety, the views we could see and collected some Autumn items for our Autumn j
We took the children on a learning walk in to the community. The children and practitioners identified road signs and we discussed road safety and the children behaved impeccably.