At Woolston on a Thursday afternoon we take it in turns for each age group to help prepare and cook our tea for all the children at the setting. Each age group picks their meal they wish to cook from homemade burgers to homemade chicken risotto, homemade soups and calzone. The children look at the ingredients they need and how we would source these ingredients; we may need to visit the local shop, greengrocers or even the butchers to purchase our ingredients. Before beginning to cook we would make sure we have washed our hands and put on our aprons, most of us can do this independently. We would then help to chop and prepare these, washing our foods and cutting them into smaller items being careful with our knives and other utensils. As a group we would then cook our meal and help to set up the trolley ready to take the tea out to eat. The children are really engaged and excited at this opportunity as they learn about food hygiene, health and safety skills, preparation promoting their knowledge and understanding and then cooking including times linking to mathematical development counting and weighing ingredients and how long the process will take. Once our meal is cooked we then all sit down together at the eating area and enjoy our delicious foods remembering to thank our friends for making these for us. Here are some of the teas we have had so far and the preparation we did.
February 14,2018